What we do

Adelaide Search Engine Optimisation

What is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engine optimisation is the process of making your website rank higher in organic search, Usually Google. Whilst there are many different techniques used in conjunction when optimising a website for Google search, we primarily undertake content creation as our main focus, easily adding over 4000 words of well written content across multiple pages and blog articles to each of our SEO client’s websites within any given month.

Link building is another important part of any SEO strategy as gaining natural links from other websites is essential to growing traffic to your website in a timely manner.

Quality Written Content Makes a Difference

Content writing is essential for SEO because search engines depend on high-quality content to rank websites. High-quality content provides valuable information to website visitors and helps search engines understand what the website is all about. Additionally, relevant and informative content makes it easy for search engines to determine whether the website is suitable for a particular query or not. 

Therefore, websites with optimised and informative content are more likely to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Quality content writing also leads to an increase in the length of time users spend on a website, which is a metric used by search engines to determine the website’s relevance and quality. Furthermore, quality content writing increases the possibility of acquiring backlinks, which are crucial indicators of a website’s authority

Our writers take great care to delve into the specific needs and preferences of each client, ensuring that the content aligns with their brand voice and objectives. They conduct thorough research on various topics, exploring industry trends, customer behavior, and relevant keywords to incorporate into the content. By immersing themselves in the local Australian context, our writers are able to produce content that speaks directly to the target audience, offering valuable insights and information.

Our SEO Strategy

1. Website & Content Audit

We start off our SEO process by auditing your website to determine the site’s strengths and weaknesses. So that we know the areas that we will need to focus on to grow your website. We also set up Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track key metrics such as visitor retention rate. We also track the keywords your website is currently ranking for. We are strong believers in “What gets measured, gets managed” by spending the extra time in our auditing phase we can properly track where your website is now.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research is a mission-critical part of optimizing a website for SEO, if you don’t know the keywords that your website’s audience is searching for then your website will end up ranking for a whole bunch of keywords that your website will end up leading to zero new leadsWe will generate a list of keywords to target your website towards that will generate a fruitful return for your business.
We can help create a Google My Business listing for your business. This allows locals to find your business on google maps, your business listing will also show a special sidebar on Google’s search results Here we can place a couple of photos, opening hours and contact information for your business right on Googles search page for your business.

4. Technical and Mobile Optimisation

We optimise your website to load quickly on mobile devices. We also may make use of a mobile optimised theme for your website. This makes it easier for customers to browse your website and view your products and service. from here we will run a series of speed optimisations on your website depending on where the server is that your website is hosted on and if your potential customers are based only in Australia or are international. Google takes page speed as a serious ranking factor and a website load time that’s been increased by as little as a second can have a major impact on your websites seo and Google rankings.

5. Content Creation

Building content is the most extensive part of our business seo process. A key way to improve a websites Search results is to take the list of targeted keywords. From this list we then start building as much content as possible the keyword set for google to index. As your website begins to have more quality information about a particular topic, the overall traffic to your website will begin to grow.

6. Conversion Optimisation

It is great to have a beautiful website that brings in a lot of traffic, but it doesn’t matter if your website is hard to use. For service based businesses, we make sure “request a quote” buttons and contact forms are placed throughout your websitewe can also implement an easy to use call now button on mobile devices to make it even easier for visitors to get in touch with you. For an ecommerce store we will audit the entire process. From browsing the site for products to adding the product to the cart and following the checkout process to completion. We do this audit to find inefficiencies in the purchasing process. We will remove these inefficiencies to make a quicker and easier shopping experience for your customers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

– What is the minimum contract length?

Your SEO contract length will depend on how well established your existing website is and the number of websites that you are competing with. As a general rule, we do not offer SEO contracts shorter than six months.

– How long will it take to see an increase in traffic & leads?

This is the hardest question to answer without seeing your website’s current traffic and your competitor’s websites, it can take anywhere up to nine months to see a significant increase in website traffic but some websites may see a large increase in traffic within three to six months

– Is your team local?

Our core team is based right here in Adelaide, we do have several content writers that work interstate. However, our team is located 100% within Australia, we do not outsource any of our work overseas.

Learn More About Adelaide Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)