The Undeniable Importance of Website Tracking and Analytics

There are more than 1.5 billion websites on the internet right now. How are you going to make yours stand out?

One of the best ways to differentiate your website is by keeping up with your website analytics. The more that you look into website tracking, the more that you can adapt to making a website better suited to your viewers.

If you’re not quite sure how to track website traffic and handle website analytics, we’re here to help. Keep reading to learn all about website tracking and analytics and how you can use both to your advantage.

Why Do Website Analytics and Website Tracking Matter?

Analytics may just seem like a bunch of numbers, especially if you don’t understand where they come from or what they mean. There are several different kinds of measurements that can help you understand how well (or not well) your website is doing when it comes to traffic, comments, sharing, and more.

Without having these numbers, you won’t be able to tell whether a new strategy is working or not. These numbers are the key to having a great website.

If you can learn to master these numbers and understand how to manipulate them, you can gain full control over your website and its rankings. Let’s run through the most important metrics and talk about how each one is important to your website’s success.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate measures the number of people who view only one page of your website. This is great for determining how interactive your content is (or isn’t).

If someone visits your website, you probably want them to read through your content and them venture through other pages. If they don’t go to another page, it’s likely that you don’t have something they’re interested in or your call-to-action isn’t strong enough.

Even though the bounce rate is great for determining the interaction with your website, it doesn’t tell you if people are reading the page that they’re on or how long they’re on your website. You don’t know if they’ve even read your call-to-action, nevertheless read any part of the page that they clicked on.

The main advantage to having a bounce rate is determining which of your web pages are bringing more website visitors in.

The pages that have a lower bounce rate may be constructed better. You can then craft other pages to look like this one.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate tells you how many visitors are becoming customers on certain web pages. For example, a web page that offers a free eBook may have a high conversion rate because people like giving their email addresses in return for free products.

Just as with the bounce rate, you’ll want to model all of your web pages after those pages that have a good conversion rate. However, you’ll want to look for pages with a high conversion rate.

The higher you get your conversion rate, the more customers you have and the more sales you make. This analytic is important for the income and success of your business.


Instead of counting your viewers or social media followers, you should be counting engagement. This analytic lets you look at how many people are liking and commenting on your posts, whether on your social media accounts or on your blog.

Engagement lets you see how many people actually care about what you’re saying, and it’s easy to calculate.

If you’re looking at a particular post’s engagement rate you should note the number of likes and comments it receives. Take each of those numbers and individually divide them by the number of followers your account has (or the number of viewers your blog post had). Then, multiply the resulting number by 100.

These two numbers give you the percentage of your followers (or readers) that are liking or commenting on your posts. Keep in mind that these numbers are to remain separated because there could be some overlap for those who choose to like and comment. If they’re not separated, you’ll have a false statistic.

Use this number to look into what your audience is more interested in. If your engagement rate is higher when you’re showing company pictures, show more of those.

Use engagement to your advantage and post more of what your followers and viewers want.

Click-Through Rate

The number of people that opened your email doesn’t really tell you much. It just lets you know that you had a catchy subject line.

However, the click-through rate tells you how many people clicked on a link that you had in your email. This lets you know that they were interested in what you sent and wanted to learn more.

Emails with higher click-through rates likely have something that is more interesting to your readers. Once you figure out what that interesting thing it, you need to take advantage of it and make sure that you’re doing it more.

For example, your readers may prefer emails that have pictures of your products or new products. It’s important to note the most popular links and decide how you can incorporate popular formats in future emails. This will increase your average click-through rate and help you make more sales.

Keep in mind that there is a limit when it comes to click-through rates. You’re never going to reach a 100% click-through rate. Be sure to look at the average click-through rate for your industry to understand where your goal percentage should be.

Building the Best Website

When you’re considering all of these website tracking tips and website analytics numbers, you may feel overwhelmed. This is especially if your website isn’t doing particularly well.

To bring more customers in, you need a fantastic website. Your analytics will naturally improve if you have an eye-catching website.

If you’re looking for someone to make your website amazing, you can count on us. At Caffeinated Marketing, we have web design services that will blow you away.

Contact us today to get started on increasing your web site’s popularity.